Everyone can benefit from massage therapy, including baseball players. According to an article posted on MLB.com on May 1, 2008, Dmitri Young was in intense lower back and hip flexor pain and was unable to swing a bat. However, after an appointment with the team massage therapist, “a miracle happened.” The pain was gone. The general manager Jim Bowden stated, “It released a major problem. I wasn’t expecting it. I certainly didn’t think it would come from a massage therapist. Whatever works is great–it was a significant difference.”
This miracle isn’t a one-time event. Massage therapy helps baseball players achieve peaked performances, play pain-free, increase range of motion, improve joint flexibility and decrease spasms and cramping. It also provides the player with the opportunity to get ready and recover from strenuous work outs ensuring you are healthy before, during and after practices and competition.
Massage Therapy Makes a Significant Impact on Your Baseball Stance, Power and Form
All of these benefits contribute to executing proper athletic form; thus, when you swing at the bat, pitch and/or throw the ball the correct amount of power is behind each movement supplying you with an edge the competition can’t compete with. In other words, you produce that extra oomph you need to win the game.
To find out more about how massage therapy helps you outplay, hit, throw and run call Mike Hachey at Eclipse Wellness today!